Discovery of magnets Magnets were probably discovered by greeks about 2500 years ago. According to a legend, a shepherd boy named magnes living in greece. One day he noticed that the iron tip of his stick got stuck to a large black Rock. This black Rock was named magnetite after magnes. It is also said that magnets were first discovered in magnesia. What are magnets? A magnet is a material that attracts iron objects having iron. Magnetic material Materials that get attracted towards a magnet are called magnetic materials. E. g. Iron, nickel, cobalt. Non-magnetic material Materials which do not get attracted towards a magnet are called non-magnetic materials. E. g wood, cotton, leather, plastic, etc. Types of magnets Naturally occurring magnets are natural magnets. E. g magnetite. Considering the usefulness of magnets, they are now made artificially. Artificial magnets are man-made by u...
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